Dande Camps: Pedza Pasi | Matombo | Mururu | Mukanga | Karunga

Our second DSA camp is Mururu camp. It is also chalet styles/ en suite loos and showers. While it is a smaller camp then Pedza is still very comfortable and hearing lions and leopards most evenings is the norm! Located a one hour drive due west of Pedza Pasi, Mururu is a smaller more discreet camp also sleeping six comfortably. It is situated on the banks of a seasonal river under deep, deep shade provided by magnificent grove of Natal Mahoganies along the Manyemu river.

The big 4 are all common night time visitors, particularly lion and leopard. It is unusual not to have one of the two big cats in camp every night. Power is supplied by a silenced 220 – 240V generator and water from the river. Drinking water is bottled.